Friday 27 May 2011

Tuesday 24 May 2011

New Designs

Hey everybody, got some fresh designs up- I've been working non-stop this week to create some exciting new stuff- got much more to put up, but here for your enjoyment are some of the new designs. Also, I've opened a new shop on Spreadshirt- check it out here
Check out my Zazzle store here

P.S I recently signed up at Deviantart, met some cool people on there, and it serves as a pretty handy online portfolio! Feel free to have a look around, and let me know what you think of my work!

Friday 20 May 2011

Product previews!

First Post!/New Products Available

 Hey Everybody! I'm Mr Boomshot, an Artist/Designer living in London. Hope you enjoy hearing about my new art projects, and probably the occasional opinionated rant!
  Here for your viewing pleasure are some of my latest designs, available as various products at my store, here: